All of my collections aboveareTRUELY MY PERSONAL COLLECTIONS,which is"SAMPLE/NOT FOR SALE".BUTam willing to share wit people who is interested to BUY as for personal collections too.It is so CUTE, COOL, CHARMING, and CHIC fragrance and BOTTLE.
MOstlY people get this SAMPLE after BOUGHT the perfume.I'm not Selling perfume BUT i'm SELLING as collections ONLY to people who interested to BUY.Owaittt.
am 25th diz yer, prefer to be call as 'SIS'. my location is in shah alam selangor Malaysia. my mail N my main product is C's - cutie,charming, cheap, cool COLLECtion
1.first come first serve basis 2.if interested pwease do not hesitate to email me atsisbees@gmail.comAND dont forget to mention ura) nameb) contact numberc) e-mail d)item e) address 3. i will let you know if it is still available Bcoz it is LIMITED ITEM 4. item will b reserve 4 u before u make d payment..but d maximum is only for 3 days. 5. acc no. for the payment will be given to u once u've made the confirmation ya.. 6. ONLY for PEOPLE WHO INTERESTED to buy and dont mind with the "SAMPLE/NOT FOR SALE ITEM". 7. COD not applicable... 8. will not be responsible for lost or damages during delivery 9. goods sold are non-returnable 10.Courier services is POS Malaysia or Nationwide Express ONLY 11. Shipping cost will be refer to which COURIER used ...HAppY ShARing mY PErsonal Collections DEAR...